Monday, January 12, 2009


So, I'm a bit of an animal person. I love animals and find it very rewarding to have them in my life. This does not mean that I am a vegan or against eating animals etc. Everything has a job and that's okay. But I never liked the idea of hunting. I felt it to be unnecessary since we have food that is raised for food so why go out and shoot wild animals for that. But recently i have had a change of heart. I think I would like to learn to hunt. I think it would be a good skill to know how to do, because, hey, you never know when you might NEED to survive off of such a skill. I want my children to learn to hunt also. I think it is important for people to understand where their food comes from and hopefully my kids will be able to be more thoughtful and conscientious about where that food is coming from. That an animal gave up it's life so that they could eat. Hopefully it will help them be more frugal and waste less. Hunting would be hard for me though, I'm not going to lie. I'm not sure I could do it. But i guess people do a lot of things they don't think they can do when necessity calls for it.

1 comment:

  1. Will talks about it often. "If the time comes when we have to start providing for ourselves, will we be able to?" Most of us will probably have to respond no. This is the time to learn how to do things that are normally already done for us by others.
