I know a lot of people here in the Northern Nevada area are very excited for the winter season. They are all in a twitter over the snow and fantasies of ski slopes and snowshoeing (or whatever else people like to do in the snow). But for me, winter and the weather that comes with it, is nothing but a bleak dismal hassel. Let me describe my morning to you..
I get up at 5:00 and take a shower. I open my bedroom door and step out into the morning elements. My room is a shed in the back yard. True story (see figure above. Yes, this is my shed. Yes, I live in it. Although, it is painted white now and there is no turkey on top). So if it snows then sometimes it is hard to open my door. Then I have to walk through the snow all the way across the yard. Lovely as fresh fallen snow is, it loses it's ethereal beauty and pristine quality when you have forgotten your boots inside and the only protection your feet get from that lovely snow are a pair of flip-flops. SO, quick like a fish, I dash inside, my night gown fluttering out behind me.
Now it's shower time. That helps defrost the feet. But the down side is, I have to come back the way I came to get back to my room/shed. I forgot my clothes, so I have to make a mad dash for it in just a towel! Not as fun as it sounds...let me tell you. So after getting dressed, I have to go outside again and shovel the snow off the grass making a path to the deck. Now there is only one little narrow corridor that allows passage onto the deck. Right next to it is a divot about the size of a basketball. The hose is also there for some reason, coiled up like a constrictor. I tripped on it the other day and fell on my face (luckily the was no snow then, I just got sliced by frozen blades of grass). We can discuss why I haven't picked it up or filled in the divot, another time. My point is that they are there and they are dangerous. The back yard lights are also burned out so I have to do all this in the dark. I have developed somewhat of a spidie sense about it and usually it isn't a problem. But the snow throws me off. So anyway, I have to shovel a path on the grass from my shed to the house, from my shed to the chicken coop, from the coop to the bunny hutch, and from the bunny hutch, back to my shed.
I have to clear the grass for a few reasons. One is because I don't want the snow to pack down and make an ice path. I slipped several times last years and it hurt. Also, I shovel the grass for my dog's benefit. She is a little lhasa apso/mini poodle mix (we call her a Lhasa-poo in the biz). Her nose stands a towering 8" off the ground. She can't find a place to go potty when there is a lot of snow and she hates the snow rubbing on her tummy. I have a little aviatrix jacket that I put on her and that helps, but...
Anyway, my day continues with the feeding of the bunnies. I have to get a jug of hot water from the house and pour it in their water despenser. Then I have to find the food bin under all the snow. Once fed, I proceed with the left over hot water to the coop. I have a narrow walk way about 1 foot across and 4 feet off the ground that I must transverse to get to the coop. Once there I try to defrost their water with the left over hot hot water. But it's been so cold lately that the water doesn't melt, and just freezes so the water (ice) level continues to climb. I will have to bring the whole thing in tonight and melt it in the tub. I have to climb back down and get a scoop or two of scratch for them and climb back up to pour it just inside the coop. My lucky-cluckies don't want to walk around in the snow so they have been hanging out in the coop. I open the door for them in the mornings but they don't come out. So now that everyone is water an feed I can finish getting ready for the day.
Well, isn't that a hell a morning! I don't want to seem selfish, I know we need the moisture but I am ALWAYS relieved when spring starts breaking through the ice.
Aww honey that does sound like a miserable way to start the day! I love the picture of the evil smowman by the way! He is FANTASTIC!
ReplyDeleteHi Robyn! I found your blog through Guiselle's blog. How's life? Guiselle told me you're in Reno - what are you up to right now, working, school? We're doing great, getting ready for Christmas. Again, I was just excited to find your blog :).
ReplyDeleteOlya Platt
Why is your room the shed?
ReplyDeletenice evil snowman.